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The Brand Protection Buyer's Guide: Everything You Should Consider before Purchasing a Brand Protection Solution

Phishing campaigns, data leaks, executive impersonation, and other forms of brand cyber attacks pose an immediate risk to your company, all while operating entirely outside of your network. Because of this, organizations are increasingly turning to brand protection (aka digital risk protection) vendors to help them identify and mitigate these threats.

As you begin the process of selecting a brand protection solution, you’ll want to be sure you’ve clearly defined your needs, as well as have a deep understanding of a vendor’s capabilities. This guide poses key questions and their implications to inform your decision when selecting the best solution to protect your organization.

The guide includes:

  • Use case definitions to define your organization’s needs
  • Key capabilities to look for in data sourcing, analysis, and delivery
  • Essential questions to ask
  • A detailed RFP template to evaluate vendors